What We Plan to Grow

2021 Seeds

Here is a general idea of what will be available by season.

Spring stuff:
Micro greens
Sugar snap peas
Lots of salad stuff, lettuce, spinach
Greens, kale, chard, Asian greens
Green garlic ?
Maple syrup (not a vegetable but no one has complained so far)
Herbs like mint, parsley and cilantro

Summery stuff:
More salad greens
Tomatoes, (trying some cool European heirlooms)
Green beans
Peppers, sweet and spicy
Eggplant, couple types
Summer squash,( probably more types than I should have ordered)
Fresh garlic

Fall stuff- a good mix of all the above, plus things like fall squash, leeks, shallots and pumpkins. Yay pumpkins!

We’re going to trial broccoli, brussels sprouts and melons to see if we can find some varieties that allow us to grow enough of these crops on limited space. They won’t be in the CSA this year, but we’re hoping we can find some that will work in the future. We’re also starting elderberries, and hope to have those available in a few years.

So… that’s what we’re growing. We can’t guarantee that we won’t have a few crop failures, but I’m hoping there will be less twin trampling this year.